Healthy Binding Research
Links to studies related to binding, chest dysphoria, gender affirming care, lived experience of transgender people, and more.

Chest Binding Glossary
This glossary contains terms likely to be used in discussions with patients about chest binding and basic vocabulary for gender-affirming care.

Guide to Dysphoria in the Treatment Room
Identify and respond when a patient is experiencing distress during an appointment from their dysphoria.

Healthy Binding Info Cards
Quick-reference sheets for health, wellness, and education professionals.

Healthy Binding: The Book
Written for people who bind, this resource provides invaluable information to providers about impacts of binding, best practices, health risks and more.

1:1 Coaching & Consultation
Frances offers 1:1 sessions for health and wellness practitioners, educators and other service providers.
These sessions allow professionals to consult a binding expert on questions about care or cultural competency related to binding health.
Learn about trans health
Upcoming Workshops
Healthy Binding From The Start
Whether you are considering binding, just getting started or want to understand the risks and strategies for staying healthy and pain-free, this workshop will give you the tools to make the decision that is right for you. During the workshop, participants will learn about the breadth of options for binding, the health risks and what to look out for, and recommendations for healthy binding in specific activities.
Self-Massage for People Who Bind
Open to: people who currently bind or have bound in the past
If you bind, you know that chronic pain and discomfort can be a regular part of life. With the right exercises and self-massage, you don't have to experience discomfort from breath constriction, muscle tightness, and misalignment issues. The session teaches techniques for chest opening, breathing expansion, upper back & neck release, shoulder mobility, and ribcage pain relief. The format is like a movement class (yoga, pilates, etc) and will guide you through exercises you can do on your own.
Bodywork to Support Clients Who Chest Bind

Open to: licensed bodywork practitioners and manual therapists
This course is designed to teach massage therapists (and professionals in related manual therapy fields*) a basic understanding of chest binding, impact on the musculoskeletal system, proper intake with a client experiencing binding pain, draping, and techniques to mitigate and prevent chronic pain from binding.
This course includes a community clinic in which clients who bind will receive free massage and give students an opportunity for real-world practice of these techniques. Massage can have a significant impact on the quality of life & health outcomes of clients who bind their chests, this training is a valuable skill set for therapists wanting to serve transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming clients.
The techniques taught in this class are rooted in the structural integration approach and rely on a working knowledge of the fascial system. A brief explanation of the fascial system and the thoracic anatomy will be given but participants should have basic proficiency in anatomy and some prior exposure to the fascial system.
*24 CEU, all CEUs awarded through NCBTMB
Upcoming Dates: May 17-19, 2024, Pittsburgh, PA
Bring Frances to Your Organization
Interested in bringing a workshop to your organization or campus?
Looking for a speaker or trainer to expand the gender-affirming care offered in your practice?
Frances Reed is a nationally known cultural competency trainer, speaker, and community educator.
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