Resources For Parents
Healthy chest binding, self-care, and trans health resources for parents of people who bind

Healthy Binding Info Cards
Printable quick-reference sheets so you can equip your kid’s health, wellness, and education professionals with the information they need to support your kid’s binding health.

Healthy Binding: The Book
A comprehensive guide to help you make the healthiest choices from the start of your kid’s binding journey, understand how the body is impacted, and navigate health concerns when they arise.

Binder Finder
A search tool that helps you explore the breadth of styles and methods of binding so you can discover the ideal solution for your kid’s unique needs.

What my kid's doctor needs to know about binding
The types of knowledge that doctors need to know to counsel you and your kid about binding health based on the real experience of parents who have battled the system.

The hardest part of talking to my kid about binding was...
Talking to your kid about binding? Read about real experiences having the discussion and advice on wrestling with those same challenges.

11 Tips For Parents, By Parents of Kids Who Bind

Ask A Question
Frances Reed, AKA The Binding Coach, is one of the leading experts on binding health.
They are here to answer frequently asked questions about binding health, no matter how big, small, technical, silly, or serious.

Your Questions Answered
Browse real questions from people who chest bind, answered by Frances Reed, AKA The Binding Coach.

Get Individual Coaching
Frances offers 1:1 coaching to trans and non-binary folks who chest bind, as well as their family members.
Coaching sessions are a great way to address your unique concerns and to empower you in conversations with your kid, your family, or the doctor.
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